Sunday, October 19, 2008

Raina's Album

Here is Raina's album - her first year as a Davidson. I am so excited that I will be able to hug her in just a few days when I'm in Colorado. Last time I visited it was right after the adoption and Raina was still bonding with Mom & Dad so I wasn't able to hug & kiss her all over. This time she will get lots of lovin from her Aunt Leslie. Hope she's prepared.

Tami's Album

For Tami & Raina's birthday I wanted to make a small photobook for them of their family. Because, seriously, could you find a cuter family? I think not. What started out as a simple project ended up being more work for Cliff than it was for me. Thank you Cliff! If I've said it once, I've said it at least twice...these small photobooks are a gem! Print the pics, glue and voila... you have a cute coffee table album. Here are a couple of the pages.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Storybook Album

Here is the fun book that I made for Gene when I found out he was moving from DC to SanFran. Now come on...who wouldn't want an album that is soley pics of myself? I know, I know, my humility is quite overwhelming.

I have so many fun memories with Gene that I thought it would be fun to do a storybook of our friendship. The first time I met him, Katherine had just finished dyeing my hair...and unbeknownst to me she had also died my forehead purple as well. It was only like that for a day but it happened to be the day I met Gene. His first words to me were, " you like the color purple, huh?" Love it.

London Album

For my 30th birthday my Mom and I went to London. My dear friend, Evelyn, lives there and the 3 of us had such a great time. It was fantastic touring the city with someone who lives there and knows their way around. Thank you Evelyn!

I finally sat down and put together a small scrapbook of our trip. This was my first fully Photoshop album. Each page is a 6x6 picture that I had developed at Costco and then just glued to chipboard. Easiest album ever.

Friday, September 5, 2008

We'll Miss You - Photoshop Album

This summer I have fallen in love. His name is Photoshop. We've dated on and off thru the years but I just didn't realize his full potential. And then this summer I had an aha moment and my life has not been the same since...or something like that...
I have used photoshop a ton over the last couple years but I didn't realize I could actually scrapbook with it. It has revolutionized my albums. I haven't posted much because since the last post, I've made 5 albums. So I just now am putting them on the blog.
All I did was pull up the pics and put whatever writing on them. This is the great beauty: from my comp I uploaded them to Costco and an hour later I could pic up my pics. Now instead of messing with paper & lettering & accessories - it is all printed as one pic. So I just glue the pic to chipboard, punch a hole in it for the rings and I'm done! I have saved so much money too in not having to buy paper (90 cents for one sheet). The only part where I do old-style scrapbooking is with the cover and back.
Never before could I have done 5 albums in a month but now it is so much easier. I'll put the other albums up shortly. Oh and please don't look at my bad grouting job!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thanks Laura Beth!

In all my scrapbook mags they refer to the crop-a-dile which is basically a hole puncher extroardinaire. It cuts thru everything...this is a big bonus for those of us that like to make our own albums out of chipboard. Have wanted one for the longest time but wouldn't allow myself the luxury.
Well, it went on sale at Hobby Lobby and Laura had given me a gift certificate there for my bday. So from now on when I use this, I will be thinking of you Laura Beth!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Lunch bag Album

Last year I visited my Aunt Carolyn & Uncle Ken (AC/UK) that live in Fl and I wanted to make them a gift for every day I was there. Yes, a bit overachieving but it gave me so much joy to have something waiting at the breakfast table for them every morning when they got up.

The last day was my big gift - a Lunch bag album. Making the album wasn't hard, but tracking down each family member to write AC/UK a message was a bit of a task. But here is what you do:

4 white lunch bags. Fold them in half and hole punch 2 holes. Add ribbon. On each page glue coordinating paper. Now what I did was put a pic on one side and had that person write a message to AC/UK on the following page. Also there are pockets (from the bag openings) in the album where I inserted an extra page so that someone could write a favorite memory they have of AC/UK.

This ended up turning out better than I ever thought it would. And I hope it becomes a keepsake for them so that they are always reminded of how much they are loved.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Mod Podge a Canvas

Here is a cute mod-podge craft for you. Just take a pic, enlarge it, and make a color copy of it. Even if the image is b/w it must be color copied (don't aske me - I didn't make the rules, just follow them). Mod-podge the canvas 4 times...use a blow dryer to help quicken the process. On the last time attach the photo to the canvas. Again let me remind you that there WILL be bubbles. If you want to antique the edges take a wet paper towel to the ends of it. This pic was antiqued however it didn't show thru that well in the photograph.
Wait til morning and give a final coat of mod-podge. Bubbles will rise again. By later that day the bubbles should be gone. Then just add ribbon and whatever embellishments you like!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Mod Podge "family"

Ok, so it's been what...2 or 3 months since I last posted? Does absence make the heart grow fonder? Or is it like when I went off to college and I asked my parents if they were going to miss me and they replied "out of sight, out of mind". Either way - I'm back.

I had found these letters cheap at Kinko's of all places. So for those who don't know the wonders of deco-podge let me fill you in. Find whatever coordinating paper you like and cut out the letters. Just put one layer of podge on the (cardboard)letters and then put your paper on it...the podge acts as glue. Let me warn you now - there WILL be bubbles. No matter how smoothly I put the podge on, there is always bubbles. But don't try to scrunch them down because when it drys the bubbles will be gone - I PROMISE.

Once the podge is dry (give it about 4 hours) then put another layer of podge on top of the the podge acts as a sealant. Again, you will see bubbles reappear. And I'm telling you, have no fear because by morning it will be perfect again. Then you can add whatever embellishments you like. I intended for "family" to hang straight across but I just wasn't feeling it, dawg (whatup randy). So over the dresser it went. So hope this spells it out enough so you will want to go mod podge it up this weekend. I'll also try to put another mod podge craft up by the end of the week to give you ideas. Enjoy.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

These kids are crafty!

Dear Me! I just love these kids....they sure know how to make me laugh. I have so much fun going over to my sisters house and just hanging out. Now usually we are all holding cards and placing bids, but even when we're just sitting around and doing nothing I wouldn't wish to be anywhere else in the world.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Crafts in India!

The crafts have gone global! My dearest friend had told me about a couple she knew from Tx that moved to India to start an orphanage for girls. I had always thought about supporting a child but was skeptical of the big organizations. Since Tami knew the couple personally I trusted her judgement and what a joy it has been! There are currently 14 girls and some are still needing sponsors so if you have a heart to do this you can look it up at

I had made clipboards for my nieces and nephews over the holidays and so decided to do the same for the girls. No, it isn't practical...but who always wants a practical gift? I wanted something fun that they could use for school. So I packed up 16 (14 for the girls and 2 for the daughters of the couple running it) clipboards with baggies of hairbows etc. Ruby just sent me pics of them all plus one of my "niece" Chinthamani...isn't she adorable? Anyway, just wanted to share...

Monday, February 18, 2008


I so wish I had the Before pic of the 2nd chair. I got it at a Model Home Auction for $ was black with Asian fabric. Not exactly my decorating style. This is something anyone, yes even you Katherine, can do. Painted it cream, and then found fabric that I liked and staple gunned it to the chair. Here is a pic also of the cording...all you do is wrap the fabric around cording and sew it down the middle. Hot glue that to the chair. I didn't need to do the cording but it gives it a finished look. It has become my favorite chair in the house - to look at, not sit in...that leads me to my favorite chair to veg in...
The first pic was my first attempt at upholstering/slipcovering. Dear Me! Never knew how long it would take...which was a full weekend of doing nothing else. I got this fabric for around 50 cents a yard and thought it was cheap enough for me to experiment with. I took the chair completely apart and thought I'd just staple the material to the base...not so easy. And I've only ever had 4 sewing lessons and it never quite covered how to slipcover an overstuffed chair. I think next time I'll just pay the $250 and have someone do it for me.